Originally Posted by Breakaway4

BTW - I adore C and H! That and the Far Side.

When I was 13, a universally hated math teacher assigned the classic "enlarge an image using a grid" project. I blew up a Far Side cartoon of a kid telling his teacher "Don't worry, if I'm not smart enough to get a good job, I can always teach!" to poster size. The teacher then of course had to hang it on his wall with the other kids' work. Somehow I didn't get in trouble...I think he was just amazed I had the guts. Ironic, of course, that I ended up a teacher!

Tiz, I think this is already the beanstalk thread. Or the beanstalk-and-Calvin's-snowflake thread. Wonder if we can rename it....

I love the "in your own words" strip too, by the way! "Grug puppawup zink wattoom gazork. Chumble spuzz." CLASSIC!