Originally Posted by BKD
Zhian - you must be a very spicy teacher. I hope you're more appreciated than looked at askance?

Back in January, I was fired for trying to help enthusiastic students succeed in a failing school (mostly because the headmistress wasn't interested in anyone admitting there were problems in the place, despite the 18% "acceptable" rate on exams). Tell you enough? But I'm undeterred. And in a couple years I'll have my masters in G&T and hopefully be in a position to fight back a little more effectively against the Vogons who run the whole setup.

"In my story, jumping would just work." I LOVE IT!! That's showing an understanding of fantasy that few four-year-olds have. Much more important than writing X number of words about how to get to a place where there's an angry giant waiting for you.

Actually, I'm waiting to hear about the kid who says "I'd give up, go home, and trade the beans back 'cause they're obviously defective."

By the way, I LOVE that your daughter almost took that C&H strip into school. Would've been almost as good as the day I was subbing at a Catholic school and accidentally converted a kid to agnosticism.

Last edited by zhian; 11/30/09 10:32 PM.