Originally Posted by CourtneyB
Is this normal? If we were to change schools wouldn't we have issues - since according to this he's not even above grade lvl in anything?

I think this is pretty standard mode of operation in a traditional public school. I know this is how our kindergarten and first grade report cards looked (we are homeschooling now). Everything was marked "as expected" and they didn't assess to see how far a child could go.

My son was assessed at 4th grade level in reading in the beginning of 1st grade. Which I thought was pretty low at the time, but I thought maybe they were picky. He self selected books higher than 4th grade level. At the end of the year, he was still marked down as 4th grade level. And I had seen his selections and comprehension go up at home over the course of the year. I asked the teacher about it and she just stammered and gave me a line on comprehension. I spoke to another PS teacher who said that's 4th grade's as high as they can assess 1st graders in our district.

Anyway - you might want to see if the district is capable of doing some achievement testing for you if you are planning to stay with your current school long term. Or at least find out if they would open to accepting outside testing as the basis for an educational plan for your son. You may have this issue at any traditional school - public or private. Unless it is specifically designed for gifted learners.