Originally Posted by CourtneyB
Advice would be wonderful!

We got DS's Kindergarten report card yesterday and while I am mostly happy with it (the areas he is 'approaching grade level' are the ones we expected) what makes me wonder is that nothing at all is marked 'Above grade level'. Nothing.

I'm trying to decide what to do about that (if anything). Doesn't it seem that they should be marking him above grade level when he can add, subtract, and somewhat multiply whereas grade lvl is knowing and counting to 30(by 3rd trimester, only to 10 for 1st). Or that he is reading and comprehending at least mid 2nd grade lvl when 'grade lvl' is matching consonant sounds to letters (for only 8-10 letters even).

The only parts that imply he is 'ahead' are that they 'checked' at grade lvl on ALL letters, sight words, and numbers instead of only doing the 10 they should know now.

Is this normal? If we were to change schools wouldn't we have issues - since according to this he's not even above grade lvl in anything?

They also don't report on the things they know he can do if they haven't done them in class. So he has a lot of blank spots where he has been doing that for awhile.

We are setting up a Student Study Team (SST) as I am concerned about what will be done for next year as nothing is really being done now. He also 'seems' to have some sensory issues and that may be impacting the areas he is not at lvl on. They all have to do with getting too distracted, not exhibiting enough self control, etc.


Your son sounds a bit like mine in terms of sensory issues etc. Also in K I remember getting those report cards with all "grade levels" (except for some behavioral issues due to the sensory stuff). I was very disappointed because I felt a report card should reveal some information about my child's academics. Finding out he could count and recognize letters was less than satisfying.

My children will be bringing home their report cards in a few days and I expect more of the same for my DS even now in fourth grade. My daughter who is MG in first grade but in a mixed 1/2 classroom will have a report card that more accurately reflects her abilities.

I will say that the public schools around here want nothing to do with accelerations or grade skips. We got lucky however, for first grade DS was enrolled in a Catholic school which I chose mainly for class size (only 8-9 kids per grade).
After about three weeks the school came to me and strongly urged me to let him skip up to second grade. That would never have happened in public school. Who knew the Catholic school would be so progressive? I also think the class size helped because it really made him stand out as more than a bit different.

Excuse the rambling, my point really is that now is the time to look into all the available schools in your area and see where they stand on gifted education/acceleration/skips etc. Talk to the principals and discuss your child and find out what options are out there before you get too far in DS's school career.

In the meantime, think about what your DS might need in to keep him intersted and engaged in class. (If he is busy learning the sensory stuff will calm down a bit). Go into your meeting with a plan. Good luck and let us know how it goes!