JenSMP - My highly gifted DS(just turned 7) started at Montessori last year in the Lower Elem. We skipped trad. K, so this was his first time in "real" school. We had a bumpy start (us and DS), but the adjustment was smoothed out mid-year and now as a second year, things are going great. No other school we looked into (LOTS!) was able to offer the flexibility for him to really enjoy learning things that interest him. He can go deep in geography and history subjects. He is still responsible for learning math, grammer, etc. He probably isn't being overly challenged in these other areas, but he's getting what he needs and is still working a grade or so ahead. He's happy. I think at any school, it does come down to the teacher. We are lucky that DS has one that understands him and his capabilities. He was able to have 2nd and 3rd year lessons as a 1st year. We love that we has three years with her. Not sure what 4th grade holds for us at this point, but I think we're set through 3rd!
Financially, it's killin' us! But were making it work. The best of luck in whatever decision you make!
