Originally Posted by mnmom23
He is very tactile and loves to touch things, but can definitely sit and attend to things appropriately. However, it takes him hours to do homework that takes others an hour, not because he can't do the work but because he gets distracted. His teacher says that he is often just half-way through his tests when the other students are turning things in. And by distracted I mean not just with things around him, which really seems to be less of a problem, but with his own thoughts. My nephew has always said that my DS seems to "have a party in his brain" and this couldn't be more true. His teacher said that perhaps he is just immature, but no one has ever mentioned that before and I really don't think that's true.

Have any of you had experience with this?


While I personally have always been the first one done with tests in class, you have described me to a T!!! I'm not hyperactive, and yet my mind wanders and does not stay focused, most especially when I'm bored with what is in front of me.

When the work is not fun or challenging or down right blah, anything and everything can distract me.

I read somewhere that there are several different levels of ADD/ADHD, and I haven't read through this thread. But I will see if I can find it for you.