Every child is different, but I have to tell you, we were worried about the same things you are describing. Ds6 was also described as immature. He wasn't paying attention and would talk when the class was supposed to be quiet. He would also get out of his seat without raising his hand, and he'd get in trouble for all of these things. We were worried about ADHD, although he's really not hyperactive.

Psychologist who did his gifted testing didn't suspect ADHD, but we were still worried because the behaviors continued. We just pulled him from his private school, and I'm home schooling. He's like a different kid! Very few attention issues. In fact, if he's learning something new, no matter what it is, he's glued to lesson and asking for more. He was just bored at school. He was working on kindergarten material, and at home, I've discovered he's at the end of first grade, second grade, or third grade levels with most subjects. No wonder he wasn't paying attention. He didn't see the need. If you reserach characteristics of ADHD and gifted children who are not challenged, you'll see how similar the behaviors are.

I'm not saying to discout ADHD because you want to know for sure what's going on with your child, but don't assume it's that. I'd recommend making sure he's really being challenged in the classroom before going the ADHD route. For a gifted child to sit all day and wait for everyone else to catch up, it's torture.

Good luck to you. This site is wonderful for support and information! It's been invaluable to our family.