Both of my kids were more noted for their climbing than their walking (stairs and jungle gyms--DD climbed jungle gym all the way to the top at 1 year). Both took first steps before a year, but found crawling much faster and more effective in getting to what they wanted ahead of us

DS stuck with walking once he got going, but DD, even after she could run a bit, preferred crawling until close to 14 months.
Clear words for both kids were around a year, but when I looked back at journals I saw that both children sang back at us by six months. If animal sounds count, then DD's first words were probably around 10 months when she would make sounds in anticipation of the next page in Moo, Baa, La,La,La. DS was using Maaaa Maaa along with the sign (one of the few I knew) by ten months to request "more". What we noticed most about language was how rapid the acquisition was once they started. DD was quicker to use phrases (16 months)but both acquired adjectives before their peers and DD's enunciation was always crystal clear. Very few of those cute words most toddlers create by mixing syllables or missing blends.