My ds6 said he saw a lady in our house one day when he was hanging out with my dh. He just turned around and said, "there's a lady right there in the dining room. She looks like Mom (I was not home.) and she's wearing a towel around her, and her hair is wet." We live on a lake, and a previous owner did die in the backyard by the lake after suffering a heart attach. Not sure if this is relevant or related at all. Ds was very matter of fact about it. He said she was calling to him, but that he didn't hear her voice and she wasn't motioning to him. He just knew she wanted him to come to her. (He stayed put!) He wasn't afraid though.

He also swears there's a ghost of a dog in our beach house. He said he's seen it a couple of times sitting in the chair in his bedroom and it usually runs away quickly. He isn't scared of this one either.

Dh and I are not sure what to think, but dh says ds was very serious and matter-of-fact about the lady in the house. Interestingly, about a month after I moved into the house (dh and I just got married about 2 years ago. My first husband, ds's biological father, died in a car accident we were all in when ds was 4 mos old.) I looked out the front window and for a brief moment I thought I saw a lady standing next to our detached garage. It happened two or three times, but I haven't seen that in a long time. It's like it happens so quickly you're not sure you actually saw what you think you saw. Does that make sense?

I have often wondered if my ds is more sensitive to spirits. He's sensitive to everything else, that's for sure!!! He's always been very interested in death from an early age. He's not afraid of it, and he's had quite a bit of experience with losing people close to him. He talks about death and afterlife quite a lot. We are Catholic, although dh and I are certainly not devout. We like to have a community of people who believe in something, although I don't believe there's one religion that's right. I just know in my heart that there's something more than what we see on the surface in our lives now. I don't push any religion on my ds, but I do talk about God. Ds has his own beliefs, and while we read a children's Bible together, he usually says, "well, I don't think that REALLY happened. It's just a story to teach a lesson." He's not sure Jesus is the son of God, but he believes he could be or maybe he's just a great man who lived in a way we should all try to live. It's funny b/c he believes similar to what I believe, although I do not try to force ds to believe one way or another. I try to teach him about lots of religions and beliefs and allow him to make his own decisions. He definitely believes in an afterlife, although the idea of ghosts has him stumped. He's not sure if they are just visiting or if they are at some in-between point. I have to admit, I wonder the same thing, but I'm not sure I really thought about it at 4,5, or 6 years old!