Well, I came to the site today to search the topic of "death" because DD 2.75 has been discussing death and God with me these past two weeks.

Last week she made this comment out of the blue: "God takes people who are very old or who are sick." I stared at her. She continued, "God's going to take me." I don't like that part. I say, "Oh yeah? Where's God going to take you?" She says, "All around the world." I can't help but wonder if she's somehow picked up the concept that the world is round. Other than that, I am impressed with her concept of death and God and let it stay at that.

Today in the car she asks, "Does God die?" I gave her a very long-winded answer for "no." She says again, "God is going to take me." She's been sick for several weeks now, so I'm becoming paranoid she has lymphoma or something more ominous than the common cold! "God is going to take you when you are 100 years old," I say.

I asked DD's preschool teacher then called her grandmother who was just visiting last week, and neither have had conversations about God or death with DD. She does not watch any unsupervised television.

I was wondering at what age children develop a concept of God and also of mortality.