No you are not crazy. Parents are usually pretty astute about their children's abilities. I think it would be fine if my DS was of average intelligence. This whole gifted thing is kind of a mixed bag anyway, if you ask me. But I could tell that DS was brighter than his sister in some ways. He is my philosophically gifted child, the one who is not afraid to ask the big questions. He was also really, really frustrated with himself and the world because there are so many things he does at below age level. I am probably 2e, too. I characterize myself as having all the quirks and intensities of the highly gifted and none of the actual abilities. Which isn't all together true, but on a lot of days it feels like it. Kinda like I got the worst of both worlds.

Yes you can get specific help and yes it helps to know the reasons behind a certain problem. Find a good psych who works with gifted and LD kids regularly. To warn you ahead, even a good psych may not be able to get an accurate IQ number with a 2e kid, but they will be able to tell you that they feel that the number is not representative of the child's true abilities due to the LD instead of writing the kid off. They also likely do additional tests to give you an idea of where you should seek help if it is an LD. Good luck!

Last edited by NCmom2; 09/22/09 11:47 AM.