Hi! I'm kinda new here with a question.

I have three kids. My middle DD8 has tested HG+ and my youngest DS5.5 has tested MG. I know that I am MG and my husband, though never officially identified as such, certainly is. Also, virtually everyone in our families has been identified at some level of giftedness. That is, except for my DS11.

When DS11 was a toddler, he was advanced. He walked at 7.5 months, knew basic shapes and colors at 12 months, was good at concepts, etc. He didn't actually speak much (although he was not a late talker, and used 2-3 word "sentences" at 12 months) until he was almost three, and thus was evaluated by a speech pathologist. (Also, chronic ear infections treated with antibiotics and not tubes.) His receptive language was years above his actual age so that they stopped testing when he was three years above actual age and so that his receptive language offset his expressive delays.

Anyway, come time for school, DS11 had trouble learning the letters and their sounds and rhyming didn't come naturally. He did read, on time and at grade level, but only with considerable effort and practice. By 2nd grade we knew he was having to work too hard for what we were expecting given his early development. We thought for sure he had dyslexia. The school, at our request, gave him the WISC and scored just 106. We were floored. They just said he was normal, and we felt stupid.

Now, DS11 is in 6th grade and does okay in school, but it is a ton of work for him. He reads and comprehends at an 8th grade level, but I no longer have him read outloud because it is just too painful. He misses a ton of words when he reads aloud, mostly little words like "the," "and," "then," "when," etc. He was diagnosed in 3rd grade with eye tracking problems, but after a year of vision therapy, and what they called huge improvements, he's still having issues.

Finally, to my question. I have read that if any two siblings' IQ scores are more than a standard deviation different (i.e., 15-16 points) that you should have your child further evaluated. My oldest and middle kids are more like 3 standard deviations different, and my oldest and youngest are almost two sd different. Is my DS11 just not gifted and I should accept that, or is a full workup warranted?

What tests should we consider if any?

Thanks for reading my LONG message and thanks for any help or input!

She thought she could, so she did.