hi everyone
i have a 2E MG DD7 and a HG+ DD5 who appears to be developing oppositional defiant disorder...Today I am seeing a therapist who likes to implement the "collaborative problem solving" from Ross Green (who wrote The Explosive Child)..

However after i made this appointment i found a copy of "The Nurtured Heart Approach" by Howard Glassman and (though sketchy on details) i found it to be a home run when it came to describing my DD5 and i've implemented some of the basic pieces of it to great succcess over the past few days.( Not sure if it'll work with DD7 who is non-oppositional.)

I am now confused whether i should be willing to switch to a method recommended by the therapist, or stick with Nurtured Heart. Does anyone know how they compare, and whether they are comaptible if i want to do pieces of each.

The great attraction to the Nurtured Heart is the understanding that my child can not "accept praise" and needs to learn to do that with "active noticing".. and the fact that she needs to be timed out "in place" due to the fact that i can't physically enforce a timeout for her.

Sorry to take the lazier approach -i should have got the "explosive child" by now but my library does not have it and want to hold off purchasing until i know what i'm doing! if anyone can nutshell it or compare the two methods, i'd be very grateful.

