Our ds9 has similar reluctance to write, even though his handwriting and typing are getting pretty darn good. He loves to draw and this will often be the start of a story or at least a 'story line' that he'll be able to tell me about in great detail. Last night he asked me to help him with a book he wants to make, and I asked him what he meant, he said, help with the writing and maybe the drawing, the printing & binding. I helped with the writing. He's writing a book about magical creatures, and has a very large number of ideas, he was practically shaking and his hands were just very 'fiddly', moving a lot.
I reminded him about making an outline and just scratching out quick notes to capture the main points of an idea, so this helped, but still I did the writing. Maybe he is anxious about forgetting some detail before it's on paper, but I think excitement is probably a better description; he was just so happy and interested in getting this stuff out of his head and onto some paper.

Are other people seeing this sort of welling up of energy, which, while clearly the source of the cool ideas, might also be the reason it is nearly impossible to write?