THANKS onthegomom for the great site link....we have been trying to find a fun learning to type program...most of the ones we have found have been REALLY dry and boring. My DS6 has dyspraxia and writing has been an enormous issue with him - and his brain works faster than his fingers- like today - he wanted to sit down and "write" a book (he has written over 30 of these kinds of books) he sat with me for over an hour and told me his chapter book as I typed it for him - he came up with a pretty awesome story complete with a beginning/middle/end that was over 12 pages long- but there is NO way that his teacher would ever get to see this side of him because there is no one to sit down and scribe for him :-(

My son saw me checking out the site tonight and he wanted to know what it was...needless to say one hour later and I had to pull him away from the computer..he finished the whole first lesson section and I was in SHOCK when I saw just how well he was doing and how fast he picked it up! So thanks a ton for the great link!