hi onthegomom
this is just a suggestion as i am no expert and have not yet done a DYS app for my DD5. But soon after i learned she was HG i decided to videotape her doing things. One thing was a montessori math work from her school. She had to fill in a chart that was basically the multiplication tables including squaring numbers (its really called short bead stairs for anyone who knows mont.).. Anyway, on taping i realized that she was doing the entire work UPSIDE DOWN.. writing her numbers from the wrong side of the paper but they were coming out right-side up.. She was four at the time and i feel that she knew the videocamera was on and was trying to impress. I also asked her to "think out loud" and got some interesting HG comments.. You might want to just do some "day-in-the-life" filming and see if you capture anything that he wants to show off. This might be bad advice as i don't know if video is typically sent in..

Also, the book list is great. It shows intensity and drive.. I would leave the quantity but highlight the ones that are more difficult so they don't get lost in the shuffle.
