I was quite anxious applying, as a borderline person, too! Or rather, as a mom of someone I thought wasn't one of these extreme outliers I hear of. I think it may be common to think the scores aren't quite good enough, b/c it's really anxiety-provoking to render your kid up to some strangers' judgment, based on those scores and what you say! So I just wrote up everything that seemed to me either early or odd, and my son ended up getting in. I told stories, mostly of the "and then he did THIS crazy math thing in his head in the car" variety, and included some of his poetry and mentioned but didn't transcribe the Harry Potter book he outlined and started to write at 5. (so our kids sound similar, if that's comforting!) Now I have advance anxiety over whether the stories I'd tell about my NEXT son would get him in, what his scores might be, etc, b/c getting the YS label makes it seem like there's some *real* cut-off or potential difference between the boys, rather than the really very arbitrary one. I hope they accept your kiddo - and my next one, when we get there - but in either case they're clearly very bright with the needs of a very bright kid, and whether they fall on one side or the other of the arbitrary judgment call doesn't change who they are or the needs they have.

good luck with it!