Are these things PG? I'm working on DYS application, we have boarder line scores, feeling anxious and the pressure to get this right. I have more details on much of this on the application in progress. The family helper/Therapist from school witnessed most of this and will be adding comments to the application. This therapist said he was the smarted kid she ever met and often said how ahead he was. Any suggestions? Is it ok to write excessively. I really don't know what is special enough or what would be important to say.

100 piece puzzles at 4

Memorizing words to small board books with pictures at 3yrs. old(I don't remember which books)

Lego sets, build 2- 3 years above age.(I have photos from pre school to K but won't know what set they came from or exact age)

Card board box structure/inventions (have pictures)

Wooden Block Building at school (have photos from K but not the instruction)

Pokemon Cards in 1st grade, memorized alot and learned the game in detail. Then made his own 100+ Funny guy card similar to this. Then started a story this summer (now at 1000+ words) inspired by this. This show depth and obssesive learning

This summer I can't win any Chess Games against him anymore. He started playing Chess in K.

In K made 100 paper airplanes for days after inspired at school. He did lots fo variations of refolding, reengineering and weighting differently. He also has worked with many airplane book directions.

Dinosaurs- began interest in Pre school read many books, recalls much information

Science read many book, enjoyed doing science experiments in K

Math multiplication and Division in K. (don't have examples of division work. I have some multiplication examples). Currently, he will do 5th Grade Math in 3rd Grade.