I think it is just funny to think that if you would teach your child to read by yourself it would be worse than Starfall or Leapfrog, I would prefer the one on one parent time over computers or DVDs anyday

I am actually pretty embarrassed about it because when I discovered starfall, I was just looking for a kids' website that would be interesting to DD, easy to navigate, and not too flashy/commercially/noisy. I seriously let her play on starfall for a year before it really occurred to me that it was designed to teach kids to read.

I too prefer one-on-one time to computer time, but DD really wanted something she could do on the computer by herself, and starfall isn't horrible, like many preschool sites.
I guess the difference is that I wasn't trying to teach her to read (obviously). And, honestly, she gave lost interest months before she started sounding words out, so I'm not sure how much influence it had. It just drives me nuts because I'll say something to my mom about how DD taught herself to read, and she'll say, "No, she played that computer game."
Not that it really matters. DD
was in charge of her own learning, and that is what is important to me.