Originally Posted by FrustratedNJMOM
My fault I was not clear - our school relies soley on a single teacher survey k-2. Basically a "can he sit still in circle time" inventory. They use the highly unreliable Otis-Lenon to test for the gifted program that starts in third grade. Our gifted program has become a status thing. It's sickening but funny to listen to these moms go on and on about how smart little Joey is and how great the one day per week pull out program is. I just keep my mouth shut. For my son a one day a week gifted program is not going to cut it - just one of the many reasons he won't be going to that ps anymore. We aren't even going to wait around for 2nd grade testing. No point, really.

Ahhh. That's different, maybe I read it wrong! Well then, yes, that's bang out of order. I don't know anything about the Otis-Lenon -- can anyone share?

My ds would have easily qualified for GT with achievement testing even as a younger student against red-shirted kids, but a teacher survey? He was defiant and disengaged -- he certainly wouldn't have made the cut if his teacher were judging on "sitting in circle time," though he desperately needed something more.

FWIW, we didn't hang our ds's public school until second-grade GT testing either -- the school's attitude was more than enough to drive us away. And a one-day-weekly pull-out wouldn't have done anything for my ds, either. It's frustrating to hear about "great gifted programs" that consist of once-weekly "enrichment."

Last edited by Mia; 04/11/09 06:43 PM.
