What language does she speak "best?" Has her Dutch caught up to her Spanish and German? Can you tell if she thinks in a particular language? Are the books they read in class in Dutch, and what level are they? Deep enough to be interesting?

At our daycare, when DS was 3 or 4, there was a big deal made of "Dr. Suess Week" - and every day the parents came and read a story. Of course I let DS choose, and he chose "Horton Hears a Who." Every verse I read, he sat on my lap and then "translated" the hard words for his classmates. He used the same tone of voice I used when translating for him. I felt exposed and mortified. I though my son was being bossy and innapropriate. I looked for the teachers for cues, thinking to guide my DS to "shut up." The teachers though it was wonderful that DS was "kind enough" to translate for his friends. The other kids sat quietly, without a glimmer behind the eyes of any kind. ((shake)) I was still in denial about his GT, my GT, and my internal alarm system was going off at full blast. If this keeps up - we are going to be discovered as different and hated! Nothing seemed to change, but I was sweating! Afterwards the teacher thanked me, and it slipped out in conversation that the other parents had read, "Hop on Pop" "One Fish, Two Fish." It just didn't make sense to me that a parent would "waste" time reading such a simple book to a child.

Now I understand that the other parents were naturally responding to who their child is, just as I was responding to who my child was.

Hope that helps,

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