One of my biggest problems with public schools would be the lack of intellectual peers for my daughter. Also, one of the beauties of attending a school for the highly gifted is that my daughter actually doesn't feel different or special. It is hard to get arrogant about being gifted when everyone around her is gifted. So far as the children goes, their school is as average as any other school.

I don't have a lot of money, but I decided that having her attend this school was a sacrife worth making. We have to drive 45 min. each way, but even this did not discourage us. We just use the time to talk, sing and some times catch up on sleep (my daughter only on the last one).

My daughter's school is not perfect and they still have a lot to learn, but it is much better then most and it is definitely where my daughter belongs. She is thriving and growing by leaps and bounds. Most importantly, she is happy.

I wished the school trinity described existed, I wished it would be a free, public school and that every child had access to it. Unfortunately for us, our public schools are not equipped or sometimes even willing to accomodate these very special little people we call our gifted.