Hi. I am new here. My dd (now 6) always exhibited several issues that we thought could be related to dyslexia. There is dyslexia in both sides of the family, including her dad. She had things that just didn't check, and at 4 I seriously considered it.

She had difficulty with sequencing (at 2 and 3 able to memorize long songs, but not the ABC song), difficulty with tasks that involved working with both sides of the body (late pedaling).

However, we have now completely ruled it out. Her reading took off extremely fast once she started at 4.2, she has good spelling, can read text dense books, etc. Yes, she has careless mistakes in reading sometimes, but I don't think they add up.

I read the book recommended by Dottie (Mislabeled Child). The Eide's have a clinic and they do NOT consider evaluating children for dyslexia under a certain age (I think 4). You can check their website. I especially love their description of what they call "stealth dyslexia", the unique characteristics that dyslexia would present in gifted children. You can read about it here (http://mislabeledchild.com/html/Library/DyslexiaReading/Stealth_dyslexia.htm ). Their website also has a ton of other articles on dyslexia.