Originally Posted by chris1234
pg 211
"Letter Reversals
All children reverse some letters and numbers when they first learn how to use these symbols. If reversals persist and interfere with a child's ability to read, they are seen as symptoms of a learning disability called dyslexia.
Few Edison-trait children actually qualify as dyslexic, but many continue to reverse letters much longer than their classmates do. Some will stop reversing letters when they learn to write in cursive. Some may continue to reverse the printed letters b and d occasionally all their lives.

I am not sure where the writer that you are quoting got this simple definition of dyslexia, but it's not just about letter reversal. This is a commonly held belief though, I can't tell you how many times I have been asked if I "Actually see the letters backward?" I see letters backward, forward, upside, down and sideways.... it doesn't stop me from reading them though. I don't read right to left..... it's hard to explain. It's sort of like having a mirror in your head.

Think of letter reversal as the tip of an iceberg. Dyslexics have average or above average intelligence and many people believe that Edison was dyslexic. It has nothing to do with intelligence. Some dyslexics, like me can read without issue, actually reading better then 99% of the population.

Here is a link to a list of famous people with dyslexia... and what do you know, Edison is on it! So maybe Edison trait kids don't have it .... but I guess he did. lol
