My son for example doesn't know that people can bump in to him by accident so if he gets hurt, he gets really angry and distressed and can retaliate. Even when he hurts himself, he takes it out on us.
Hi again,
This is in those sensory books I recommended above. It could really feel like an assault to him when someone else bumps into him. He also really could be "lost in space" and not know where his own body ends and something else begins. We found it really helpful to play catch with a tennis ball, hopscotch and kickball. All of these require our DS7 to judge distance relative to his body in space. Our OT told us that with the GT kids she works with, she also uses the cognitive approach (something with an engine/volcano/anything your son can relate to) to teach them how to regulate their emotions. It really sounds like you are getting some awesome feedback and I am so jealous of the support you are getting with outside resources.
