
After discussing the situation with the special ed (Aspergers and Giftedness) teachers we know who have been involved with my son, we all agree that the boot camp approach of the school, together with the punitive system is exactly what my son doesn't need. In fact, his former preschool teacher told me her coworkers used the punitive approach with my son and it never worked, just escalated the behaviour. But when she would use her approach (the 'right' thing to do with children like my son), he would comply 99% of the time at the first request without a fuss.
I have also had a couple of great learning opportunities for my son practically fall in my lap so I am very pleased. One is the potential for a special ed friend to work with my son as his tutor and therapist next year. The other is a teacher dealing with 2e kids like my son wanting to work with him in our home. Wow wow wow! Both options will provide a little more social interaction and chance to practise social skills but we are still on the hunt for play and work opportunities with other children.