dagobbz, I am by no means an OT. I found a ton of helpful info in these 2 books; "The Out-of-Sync Child" by Carol Kranowitz
http://www.out-of-sync-child.com/ and "When the Labels don't fit" by Barbara Probst, MSW, LCSW
http://www.amazon.com/When-Labels-Dont-Fit-Challenging/dp/B001EL6RK6. What I have found is that basically every person has a flight/fright/fight response. When sensory overload occurs, one of these responses kick in. For my DS7 it is flight. If he cannot run away, he will create a diversion, usually some sort of misbehavior. He feels horrible afterwards and asks "why would I do that?" when he is in trouble which leads me to believe he really cannot help it. If you can find a teacher/aide who is aware of his sensory triggers or sense when his behavior starts to turn, then that person can remove him. I have found tremendous progress with my son just by helping him find his triggers and working with him on coping skills. It sounds like your son's primary response could be fight???? Could he be reacting by trying to push the stimuli away? HTH Those books are really good reads for anyone with a kiddo.