Originally Posted by Kriston
Originally Posted by Nautigal
God, we can't possibly have parents TEACHING kids things they don't know--what would the world come to if that happened? Knowledge would run rampant in the streets and the cities would be overrun with education. Heaven forbid.


Well-played, Nautigal!

So, let me see if I understand this idea correctly.

Educators (and many, many others) are in near-universal agreement that parental involvement with a child's education is very important --- nay, critical! --- to that child's success in school.

Unless, of course, Mom and/or Dad is teaching the kid something that hasn't been covered yet. In too many cases, this practice is somehow perceived as a bad thing and is wrong. If this weren't the case, why do we agonize over letting our kids do what they can do?

Did I get this right? Can someone explain this to me?


Last edited by Val; 07/06/09 02:37 PM. Reason: add word