I keep telling myself that "they" are just not right - I mean all the teachers and other parents (she says sounding a tad paranoid) who seem to think that learning is a potentially dangerous activity that has to be trickled out in carefully measured doses to prevent children being damaged somehow. I think that this is the root of my uneasiness about the education system - I want my children to be taught by people who feel that they have a world of wonder to share with children.

Your DS is obviously really caught up in what he's learning with you - if he wan't enjoying it I imagine you'd spot that pretty easily? Does it matter much if you call it GT or parenting? There's a universe out there to be known and your DS is soaking it up - I think you're right and *they're* wrong. (mm, paranoid again)

My DS6 only got a B in social studies this semester - ironically enough the "You Can Do It" program. For half a year he's been absorbing the unspoken (to him at least) but quite distinct message that actually he can't do it and shouldn't be trying.