
You are in a very similar place to where i'm at with DS6. Whem my son came home from the circus with a desire to learn physics, my first inclination was to push the request aside. How on earth was I going to explain that he really wanted to learn this and I wasn't pushing? or hothousing? But in the end he got his wish, here's why....

Someone gave me this piece of advice and i've tried hard to stick to it as much as possible. Every child deserves an education best suited to their needs. It may not be the same education as the kid next door or down the block, that's ok. As long as your child is given the opportunity to get the best education for him, then as a parent you're doing everything you can.

That said, you need to follow your son's lead and not worry about what anyone says or what comes next. Just follow your gut and move forward one day at a time. You will never convince everyone that you are not secretly locking him in the closet and forcing math down his throat, so you can't worry about them. You just have to know in your head and your heart and your gut that you are giving your child the very best education you can.

And when you doubt, we're all here to support you.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!