Hi Skyward,

Just had to give my opinion about sending a child off to school at 4 years. I'm in NY and dd's b'day is end of November. So she started K at 4. It was REALLY hard putting my baby on the bus that first day of school! There were a couple of other kids in her class that were also 4, but there were also a few that turned 6 before she turned 5, because their parents waited to send them an extra year (mostly boys). She has done fine socially even with the age gap. There have definitely been a couple of minor social issues, but she's dealt with them well. She's always the shortest (age + genetics), the last to lose her baby teeth, had to take a different gym test one year than the other kids, but really, compared to the issues we might have faced if we'd held her back, I think it was the right decision. Next year, she's skipping a grade so she'll be 7 in 4th grade. Still, I'm not as worried about the social issues as I am about the academic ones.

I think for every kid it's different. Look at your daughter. Does she play well and communicate well with kids that are a little older? Has she already mastered a lot of the K curriculum. Is she reading? Does she separate well from you? For my dd, I answered yes to all these questions. Because of that, I just couldn't see NOT sending her.

On another note, I have no experience with this, but I think the Spanish sounds like a great opportunity!!
