I understand the having them leave too soon thing. My oldest is 10.5 and will be a 7th grader this August. It hit me the other day that she will be graduating hs and heading off to college in 6 yrs. I would have never thought 10 yrs ago that I'd be sending her off to college at 16, but, thus far, moving her ahead faster has been the right thing for her. It is just hard for her mom!

As far as the Spanish immersion vs. English school, I'd do the Spanish immersion unless their test scores are much lower than the English school. Being bilingual is a tremendous asset that will serve her well as an adult. I mention the test scores b/c our local Spanish immersion school has very low test scores compared to the other schools in the district. I imagine that it could be due to two things: 1) they have a number of kids coming in who were monoligual Spanish speakers prior to starting school, so testing in English may be tough for them for a while, and 2) with learning things in two languages, it might take longer for them to learn the material. I'm not sure, but it might give me a little pause if I thought that academics (math, reading, science, etc.) would be lost in order to learn the second language. In an ideal world, the kids would learn two languages and all of the core subjects just as well as if they were only learning in their native language.