Originally Posted by Lori H.
I also wonder how you can determine mental age for kids who seem so mentally above the rest but have difficulty in doing physical things. I always thought mental age was what determined IQ and that mental age had more to do with your level of comprehension and mental ability and not physical ability, yet I know that my son would score lower on any kind of test that required good visual motor integration and I think that would cause his IQ to be lower than it would be if he didn't have motor dyspraxia so I don't think an IQ score would accurately reflect his intellectual ability.

I really wouldn't conclude that as there are many kids with similar challenges who still test as having very high IQs. We find in our son's case physical challenges stand totally independent of cognitive growth. While often yes, disabilities can go hand and in hand obviously there are people with even very profound physical disabilities who are brilliant. We found a good evaluator was to use this information and look at in the context of the information we already have about the motor and visual disabilities.