I have seen some past posts that have kind of touched on this issue.....a few weeks ago, we finally got a solid look at my DS6. We found a psychologist in another city who did the Woodcock Johnson and the RIAS. He was in the 99.9% on the RIAS and the Woodcock J showed that he was 2 grade levels ahead of K in both reading and math but with his Dyspraxia is on grade level(K)for writing. The psychologist told us that her recommendations were to accelerate him and place him in a full time gifted program (which of course does not exsist in our county and the reason why we are attempting to homeschool this year).
Anyways - she pointed something interesting out to us....she shared in her opinion that my little guy wasn't dealing with SPD, instead she said he was just a Highly Gifted kid with OE issues. She said that it seems that a lot of HG kids get labeled with SPD who really just have Over-Excitability issues.
How in the world can you tell - who do you go to comfirm this? We have always been on the edge about the SPD diagnosis when he was about 3.5- his doctor said he seemed to fit some of the description and he sent us to an OT who did some assessments and said that he had SPD - he seemed to fit some of the characterisitcs but not completely - it just was the closest explanation to what we were seeing.
But over the past year, we have been waffling with this because after reading so much info about OE's - this seems to fit him to an exact T instead of SPD and with learning where he is after the assessments last month, it helped us see that he really is as bright as everyone keeps saying he is.
Would love any opinions!