We are doing an unschooling method and it is working very well for DS6. We started out with a more traditional method with some curriculum items and he HATED it - it was a fight to get him to sit and "complete" worksheets and workbooks. I got tired of the daily struggle and I saw him start to disappear so we began unschooling at the holiday break and what a difference....I let him set the pace for the day - one day might be exploring snap circuits, another day might be completing several activities on the National Park Webrangers online program, another might be cooking and doubling a recipe, the other day he printed out several county maps and came up with a route for us to take to several locations on the Indian River so we could go look for manatees, we sat on the river bank and saw several come right up next to the bank and he was in heaven - then we went to the library and checked out a ton of books on them....the list goes on and on....he is covering now more than when we were doing the traditional...but each kid will be different - you will figure out really quickly where your child fits in :-)