I'm trying not to cry as I type this. I took DD5 for an ADHD eval today on the recommendation of her preschool teacher (and others who are familiar with her). She is very impulsive, interrupts constantly, and gets up and walks around her classroom when she feels like it.
The 1st thing the Dr did was refuse to call her by her middle name (the only name she goes by), because I didn't write that down on the sign in sheet. I wrote it on every other piece of paper! But for insurance reasons I always put her 1st name on sign in sheets. I almost walked out of his office right then.

He asked me just a few questions, and didn't ask DD anything. And then said "here's a RX for Ritalin, come see me in 3 weeks."
I tried to tell him about her sensory issues. She cried for 45 minutes this morning because she has her 1st loose tooth. She says "I don't like how it feels!" But he didn't want to hear about any of that.
So now I don't know what to do. Try the meds? Get another opinion? If you have tried meds with your child, did it help with impulsiveness, and interrupting? I don't feel like she has any problems with attention. But she is a little hyper, though.