Is the school offering her a space in the GT program?

We find out later this month if she made the first cut. We have until June to appeal, and we would appeal based on her WISC (which was not available when we made the initial application).

She probably is bored in the regular class, and even with the relatively lower WMI and PRI she would probably do fine.

I'm sure she is bored. The curriculum moves pretty slowly, especially math, which is one of her strongest areas. She;s in the top reading group and they are re-reading stuff she had in first grade because they only have so many books for the advanced reading group.

Do you think she WANTS more challenge?

Well, hard to say. I know she would like a faster, more challenging curriculum. I'm not sure she would prefer more homework and more writing, which is what I hear the GT program has.

Mom to DD9 and DD3