Originally Posted by Dottie
Originally Posted by CAMom
...They are only permitted to read the easy readers that she hands out during reading time. They keep the same book until they have read it aloud to a classmate 10 times. Then she assigns them a new one. That is 10 minutes 3x a week. The rest of the time, no reading allowed. Demonstrating that you can read in kindergarten is showing off and makes the other children feel bad. We must all assimilate... or something like that.
We laugh together, we cry together. Sometimes we laugh so hard we have to wipe our spewed soda off our screens. Today, I think I need that orange powder they use in schools for barf.

sick sick sick

Sheesh! Someone fire that woman and bar her from ever working with children again.

Sometimes the stories on this list remind me of the everyday cruelties inflicted on children in 19th century novels (ex. anyone remember the rule at Jane Eyre's school that the girls couldn't curl their hair? The headmaster cut off a girl's hair because it curled, in spite of the teacher saying that it curled naturally.).
