Originally Posted by Kriston
DS7 (then age 6) came home from 1st grade every day with a book he was supposed to read. They were stuff he could have read 3 years earlier, and not even good, fun ones. frown I asked for better choices, but was rebuffed by the teacher...and not gently!

Sad! frown

We had the same situation this year. I asked and asked for different books. Finally, at report card time I wrote a letter to the teacher requesting more challenging books. It was a formal letter - as I'm a business person -- not a schmaltzy-touchy-feely type of person. Well after a few weeks we were invited to a meeting to "discuss." Oh good lord, the meeting included not only the reading resource teacher and the 1st grade teacher, but the guidance counselor AND the principal!!! They thought I was all mad because I sent a letter that was straight to the point, and not touchy-feely.

The good thing is that at least the reading resource teacher acknowledge that DD6 hit the ceiling of the reading test (grade 4). But they will keep her and 2nd grade level books so she can develop a "deeper understanding" of these books ---

Well at least one grade level ahead is something smile --- I'll keep fighting smile