Does anyone have any information where I can have my adult daughter tested / assessed for Dyspraxia? She is 21 and lives in California. She has had difficulty in school and was in special education classes. She found school too difficult and dropped out at 16.

We went through all the testing available from when she was 6 months on until age 13, and the only diagnosis we got was, a slight case of Cerebral Palsy. She went to Occupational Therapy, speech therapy, but nothing seemed to work, and was told that her symptoms would never get worse.

At the time I accepted that reasoning, only because of my ignorance and trust in the "medical" professional, and education specialists. I also accepted it because I could communicate with her, and she seemed intelligent in what she would speak to me about, but then having to write it down was a whole different story.

I had never heard of dypraxia until I moved to the UK when she was 13 (she had to stay with her Dad) I started reading about it and I was convinced this is what my daughter has had to cope with since a baby. She has the poor motor skills, sensory deprivation, she doesn't like to be touched, but she is a wiz on the computer.

I brought this to the attention of the IEP board at the school she attended, the pyscologist she was seeing, but they had not heard of dyspraxia. I was told that she did not have dygraphia or dyslexia, which I tried to convey to them that I knew that but she should be tested for DYSPRAXIA. Unfortuantely at the time I was told there was no testing or assessment for Dyspraxia. So hence Janie struggled until she couldn't take it anymore.

She has been working jobs since then, and has done some community college, but the older she gets, the harder it seems for her to cope. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to get her some help? or any groups she can get involved in? I am very limited on resources from this end of the world. If I had her here in England, there are loads of places for her to get help and support as it is a very recognized learning disability. So if anyone has any suggestions, I would be so appreciative.
Many Thanks