THANKS SO MUCH TO LORI H for info she has shared on this board - I had a pretty deep feeling that my DS5 had dyspraxia but his school based OT never said anything....he is not due for another OT eval on his IEP until the end of this year (his last will have been when he just turned 3) we went and paid for a full OT eval a few weeks ago - I just came back from a 2 hour meeting with the OT and I feel SOOOOOO much better. She stated he most definitely has dyspraxia and that it was as clear as day on all her assessments and was alarmed that the school OT never figured that out. She agreed with all the other assessments from the past that he is a true, clear cut case of Sensory Processing Disorder with no sign whatsoever of being on the autistic scale or Aspergers (which people want to so badly lump him into) and that he is very clearly gifted. she then shared that it was going to be extremely difficult if not impossible at this time to get an accurate IQ score on him because every time we attempt to test, the subtests that involve fine-motor skills or timed sections will always be extremely low and pull any high scores down....which is what has occured to date - he scored in the 99.9% on several subtests of the SBV but on the fine motor sections he scored extremely low so it pulled his score way down. She said because he is so gifted, he has been able to compensate to some degree but that this will just get harder on him over I have NO idea where to proceed from there...she said we might have better luck with achievement testing? She did agree that dumbing him down was not the way to go - that in her opinion, we needed to start homeschooling him so that academically I can keep up with his intellectual ability and focus on intensive therapy to help teach him ways to cope. She also stated that he appears to have visual tracking issues as well even though he is a visual learner....I can't imagine the frustration that must be growing in this amazing little boy. So THANK YOU SO MUCH LORI for making me aware of dyspraxia - you are a star and you have helped a 5 year old!!