My DD2 spent about 8 months napping on the floor for no reason. She slept fine in the bed for bedtime, but nap time she refused. I didn't fight her, either. I figured that sleeping on the floor was still sleep, lol. Now she only sleeps (day or nigh) with her bedside lamp on, the nightlight isn't enough light. I'm willing to pay for the extra electricity because otherwise she gets into bed with me!

DS4 wears his shoes on the wrong feet and his clothes inside out. He knows the right way, but he won't do it. I do insist that tennis shoes be put on the correct feet, but sandals and crocks I won't fight him on.

DS7 talks to himself. Constantly. He walks around mumbling things to himself and if you ask them about it, he looks at you like you're crazy. I think he doesn't realize we can hear him and thinks we're reading his mind, lol.