I'm interested in hearing idiosyncratic behaviors your DC's might do -- maybe so I don't feel so weird about the behaviors DD3 has!! smile

For instance, DD3 refuses to sleep in her bed. We had to move her to a bed from the crib kind of early since we were expecting another baby soon. She slept in her bed for a week, then started getting up in the middle of the night to sleep on the floor. For a year now, she has slept on her floor. We've tried all sorts of tactics to get her to want to sleep there, yet we never push the issue because it's just not all that important to us at this time (she sleeps well on the floor and we figure people do it in other parts of the world all the time!). Maybe she gets it from DH -- he used to sleep in dresser drawers and behind the couch shoved up against a wall when he was a child!

Anybody else have children who do odd things like this?? C'mon, I know you're out there! smile