Another thing to keep in mind with MAP is that it is more likely that your daughter's scores are underreporting her abilities rather than inflating them.
From http://www.nwea.org/support/details.aspx?content=1024
Is it possible for students to get a falsely inflated score by guessing?
By nature, it's impossible to know when a score is "inflated." However, the number of means by which one can get an inflated score are generally limited to either guessing or cheating. Cheating can be difficult if the room is monitored properly and few students will ever be "lucky" with their guessing.

On the other hand, any number of things can deflate a score. Fatigue, hunger, anger, boredom, or distraction can all have negative impacts on a student's performance. It is more likely that a score that doesn�t reflect a student�s true ability will be deflated than inflated.
DD6 took MAP math last week. I was asking her how it went and was pleased to see she got questions involving multiplying and dividing. She said one of the questions was what's 5 divided by 5 and she'd answered zero. I said, "If you have 5 pieces of candy and divide them among five people, how much would each person get?" She immediately answered one, so I explained that's what 5 divided by 5 means.