JBDad, we had problems with our dd starting when she was about 6 that lasted months. She was in 1st grade and because she wasn't used to FT school, I didn't schedule any other activities that she usually does throughout the year, just kept violin. I wanted to give her a chance to adjust to all day at school. We started having problems at home. She became so angry and we couldn't figure out why. Our well adjusted, well mannered 6 year old just started acting out, being openly defiant, tried to argue about EVERYTHING and would throw the worst tantrums (screaming, hitting, etc.). We would punish the bad behavior, but it just kept re-occurring and we were at a loss for what to do. We finally figured out that she was so terribly under-challenged at school and on top of that she didn't have her usual after school activities, yet she was too tired when she'd get home, so she never wanted to do the enriching activities we used to do during K. Eventually everything worked itself out. Her school step up the challenge a bit, we keep her busy after school with a variety of activities and with age she's less tired by her day at school so we do enriching activities too. We haven't seen that angry side of her since. I hope that once the GIEP is in place you'll see some improvements. You're not alone!