Oh Grinity - I love the idea of letting go, relaxing, being confident in my decisions, sharing my worry with others but...

I had a real shock this week. We've all completely de-stressed over the holidays. Everyone's anxiety has been reduced. No stress; no panic attacks. It's been really blissful. And we're all enjoying school work again. Lots and lots of reading and writing, etc. BUT... I had booked in some achievement testing for Miss 4 yesterday and just talking about school and thinking about acceleration again, etc. and up, up, up went my stress levels. I thought I had a handle on things but nope it was like an automatic trigger *groan*

And I've got a group of lovely women around me with gifted children but sometimes we pull each other up and sometimes we pull each other down. I need some serious personal boundary exercises!!!!!

And how is it that Miss 7 can completely forget her timestables in just 3 weeks!!??!! She's going for her year 3 maths test tomorrow and her mental maths is completely out the window. Where did it go? How can I get it back? And where's the glue???


jojo (aka miss worry wort...)