LOL! I do see where you are coming from and I think it does get a bit easier as they get older. Although if you've read my recent posts, things are better than they were 2 years ago but still not rosy atm.
I think I worry about tomorrow, but I plan for next month. I'm finding that talking to the adults involved when things are going well about how to go forward seems to work better for us. When things are going well, the school team is more relaxed and willing to look outside the box for innovative solutions. Instead of a defensive or accusatory meeting, we generally have laid back brain storming planning sessions.

If you haven't talked to the school about their plans, it might be a good time to set up a meeting. They might surprise you with some of the ideas they are already working on. there is no sense worrying over something that is already being covered imo smile On the otherhand, if in the meeting you find out that they are not going to be able to continue to meet your son's needs, now is a good time to find out rather than in 6-8 months when everything falls apart. It gives you time to consider other options or work with them to solve the problems.

But I really do know what you mean, I'm not sure I ever really relax about DS's school placement, but I feel like it is more of a roller coaster with highs and lows.