I am happy regarding all the interest about Linda Silverman coming to our school. The way i understand it to be is the evening is the option open to the public and the morning is teachers. I am not sure to be honest. She will be talking about why is life not easier and will touch on VSL and 2E I am sure and will take questions.

She assessed my kid and even though many of us are well schooled on her topics, it is always something to hear the "best in thier field" on any topic I feel.

Any advice on an advocate referral I really need to help at an upcoming meeting I have regarding my 2E kid and the school making her take the screeners to stay in the gifted program even tough I have full WISC and Stanford V and Linda Silverman pronouncing her highly gifted and LD? We have a 504 but need to "encourage" the school to use existing data and not make her take the screeners that made her through up and score in the bottom 25% when the same subtests on the WISC showed 99.9%. We are desperate.