Originally Posted by Skylersmommy
DD5 and DD4 both do this until I feel like my head is going to explode. My solution is to give them something to do. What works with them is something to learn, so when they were younger it was count to 100 by 1's, 2's,3's,4's ... or spell words now its times tables and division once I get them started on something they go at it until it's learned, gives me time to keep sane. smile

I tried this and it doesn't work for my son. If I give him anything to do, he wants to talk about it before he does it, while he's doing it, and after he has finished.

If he senses that I am tired of listening, he tells me he thinks I need a break to de-depress. We both agree that the bathtub is my "de-depression chamber" but he still thinks of things he just has to tell me before I am ready to come out.

My daughter recently told him that I acted a little more tired and stressed than she remembered me being when she was younger. Maybe I need sound proof walls in my de-depression chamber.