Both of my kids like to talk, but my daughter didn't talk as much as my son as a child. Even though there is a big age difference, they talk to each other all the time, at least an hour or two each day. They are talking on the phone right now. My daughter usually calls to talk to him four or five times a day. My son puts her on speaker phone and talks while he works on whatever he is working on, including video games or practicing piano or whatever.

People sometimes ask him for advice on which game to get when we are shopping for a new video game. He loves this.

When I read to him he gets very talkative because he is always making connections between what we are reading and something else he read or heard or he comes up with jokes or puns that he just has to share and then tells me he can't just be quiet and listen because he says he has a rare form of Tourettes that makes it is impossible to keep his jokes and comments to himself. Most of the time I don't mind him talking because he often points out interesting things that I hadn't thought about. Most of the time it is fun, but by the end of the day I am so tired.

He gets really talkative right before bedtime, when he talks to his dad about all the things he did during the day.